Redefining Destination Photography

Do you live in a location that thousand or even millions of people visit annually for vacation or recreation? If your answer is yes, you probably live in great location for starting a destination photography business.In the past, the definition of destination photography was: following a customer to the location of their choosing and shooting them there. There is a new buzz around destination photography which is being focused around seeking out travel destinations in your area and sourcing customers before they reach your destination. There is usually an attraction that brings a massive amount of visitors to almost every state in multiple locations every year. The key is positioning yourself in front of these customers in their vacation planning stage. Letting customers come to you rather than the other way around makes for a great way to generate income and is a trend on the rise in recent years.This new photography business plan or model, of sourcing customers coming to a vacation destination is a relatively new concept in the realm of portrait photography marketing. Sourcing destination photography customers at a location has been done for years in the field of wedding photography, but for some reason overlooked for vacationing travelers. With the onset of the new digital photography revolution this is a great way of starting a home based photography business because of its low start up cost.Because this is a new trend, none of the old rules apply when it comes to marketing to this untapped segment. Travelers are looking for easy fun portrait sessions designed specifically for those on vacation. Purchasing a destination photography business E-Book is a great way to learn how to structure your business to traveling clientele. It can save you time and money letting someone with a proven customer generation method explain exactly how to reach these vacationing customers.A destination photography business can be a high profit career if it is executed correctly. Vacationing customers are looking for ways to spend their vacation dollars; it is up to you to show them how! If you live in an area with plenty of tourism, you can usually have one portrait session in the morning and one session at night, and decide which days you want to work. It can be easy to make full-time income from only working part time, really increasing your quality of life. Even if your destination only draws customers a few months a year you can often make a whole years worth of money in just a few months.There are hundreds of thousands of places through-out the world to use as a home base for a destination photography business. You can either live in the vacation destination or move there to live the life you have always dreamed of.Here areas some ideas for portrait locations for a destination photography business:1. Florida- beach photos
2. California- beach photos, Yosemite photos, wine country photos
3. Greece-beaches, ancient ruins
4. Italy- wine country, beach, castles
5. Hawaii- Beach photos
6. New York- fun City photo backdrop portraits
7. Canada- whistler ski photos
8. Texas- Ranch photosThe list of possible locations is almost endless. If you know where people like to visit then you probably have a great area for a destination photography business.